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Your Answer to Hormonal Acne

Your Answer to Hormonal Acne

You probably expected acne to disappear forever once you left your teen years behind. Yet, here you are years later, with your face breaking out. What’s the deal?

Many adults are surprised to discover that they still get breakouts, especially women in middle age. As you approach the transition to menopause, your hormones may shift, making acne more likely to occur. The providers at Daphne Panagotacos, MD, Inc. in Westlake Village, California, explain more about why hormonal acne happens and how to fight it.

The causes of acne

When you get acne as an adult, it’s usually due to one of two factors: hormones or bacteria. Hormonal acne often occurs around the time of your menstrual cycle, although men can sometimes get it, too. Bacterial acne is something that can clear up with antibiotics. The appropriate thing is to get checked out by a dermatologist so they can determine the cause of your acne.

The hormonal cause of acne

If your acne is caused by hormonal shifts, it may be caused by one of a few different factors. Your hormones may differ from normal if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you’re approaching the transition of menopause. 

Other hormonal causes of acne include polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or Cushing’s syndrome. Your doctor may need to order some blood tests to see if this is the cause of your acne. 

How to treat hormonal acne

When you have hormonal acne, you may find that your breakouts most often occur on your T-zone, the area around your forehead and nose. Here are some helpful ways to treat hormonal acne:

Drink more water

If your skin is suffering, you may need to increase your water intake. Drinking more water flushes all the toxins out of your body. Most people don’t drink enough, so aim for eight full glasses every day.

Get professional extracts

Your doctor may recommend a professional extraction. In this facial procedure, your doctor cleans your face first, then extracts the sebum (oil) from your acne, especially if it’s cystic. This speeds up the acne life cycle and clears your skin faster.

Laser or light therapies

You can get one of several types of therapies that use lasers or light to eliminate your acne. IPL treats hyperpigmentation or areas of dark spots on your skin. 

Try oral contraceptives

If you notice that you’re prone to breakouts nearly every month, you might want to consider oral contraceptives. These will keep your hormones at a steady, consistent level, which can reduce the occurrence of your breakouts.

Salicylic acid facials

Salicylic acid is a treatment that’s very effective against acne. You can get a facial with salicylic acid, which will help to reduce the frequency of your breakouts.

Try retinoids

Retinol and retinoic acid can help with your hormonal acne. Retinol is very effective in treating and preventing acne.

Get a cortisone injection

If you have cystic acne, you may know that it doesn’t readily go away on its own. In this case, the dermatologist may decide to inject cortisone into your zit to help it shrink down.

If you have hormonal acne, you’ll have several options to consider that can help you treat them. Contact the providers at the Daphne Panagotacos, MD, Inc. today or request an appointment online.

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