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Why You Should Consider Combining Botox® and Fillers

Why You Should Consider Combining Botox® and Fillers

Facial aging happens on several levels. First, the skin loses elasticity. Then comes the hollowness and the loss of volume that occur with aging. 

Volume loss is caused by diminished bone density in the face and fat tissue that starts pointing downwards.

Dr. Daphne Panagotacos, our expert, understands that in order to achieve natural-looking results, it’s necessary to both restore the face’s natural plumpness and smooth out wrinkles. For this reason, she often combines Botox® and dermal fillers. 

Read on to find out when both types of injectables are recommended. 

How Botox and fillers differ from each other

Botox is a prescription injectable made from a purified form of botulinum toxin. In small doses,

this toxin temporarily paralyzes contracted muscles. 

Once muscles are relaxed, the skin on top is no longer challenged to stretch and then snap back to its initial position. This allows it to get smoother with time. 

Therefore, Botox only works on wrinkles caused by movement, such as the lines on the forehead and around the eyes. Fillers, on the other hand, add volume. 

Sometimes volume loss can also cause wrinkles. This is the case with the lines around the mouth that appear as a consequence of volume loss in the cheeks. You can get fillers to add volume to your cheeks, the area under your eyes, or any other area that may suffer from volume loss, including your lips. 

Botox and fillers: A match made in heaven

Botox and dermal fillers work together beautifully when you have lines caused by movement, lines caused by volume loss, and hollowness in the face. It’s a holistic treatment that can truly rejuvenate the face in a significant way. 

However, since Botox wears off faster, you may need to schedule maintenance injections a few times per year. Dermal fillers usually last longer, anywhere between 12 and 18 months. 

Good candidates don’t have any allergies to the ingredients used in injectables. Also, they don’t suffer from muscle weakness and don’t have any active skin infections. 

Learn more about noninvasive facial rejuvenation 

Dr. Panagotacos is an expert in facial rejuvenation, and aside from injectables, she also offers facials, photofacials, and laser therapy. 

Are you concerned about how your face has changed over time? With our expert, you’ll be in good hands. Contact us to schedule an appointment to get a consultation and find out what treatments work best for your aesthetic goals. 

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