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Treating Your Varicose Veins: What You Should Know About Sclerotherapy

Treating Your Varicose Veins: What You Should Know About Sclerotherapy

Varicose veins and spider veins are two types of abnormally enlarged blood vessels that can form anywhere on your body but are most commonly found on your legs. 

These blue, purple, and enlarged veins develop when the valves inside your veins weaken. Blood can no longer flow through your veins as it should, so it pools in them. 

Common risk factors for varicose and spider veins include:

Varicose veins can sometimes signal a systemic problem, such as heart disease. However, in most cases, damaged valves inside your veins aren’t a sign of an underlying disease. 

Patients in Westlake Village, California, who are dealing with varicose veins and interested in learning more about sclerotherapy, can get expert medical care from Dr. Daphne Panagotacos and her skilled team.

Below, we asked Dr. Panagotacos to explain how she treats varicose veins with a quick and non-invasive treatment. 

Understanding how sclerotherapy works 

Sclerotherapy involves the use of thin needles to deliver a chemical solution called a sclerosant into varicose or spider veins. This solution irritates the vein walls, causing them to constrict. Over time, these veins die off and are reabsorbed by your body. 

Although it takes time for your body to absorb the veins, you may notice some results right after your treatment. You can expect all of your treated veins to disappear within 3-6 weeks after treatment. Depending on the size of your veins, you may need several treatments. 

After your treatment, avoid sun exposure on the treated area, as it can cause hyperpigmentation. In addition, consider wearing compression stockings for a few days. 

Preparing for your sclerotherapy treatment 

Before your treatment, Dr. Panagotacos may recommend the following:

Before your appointment, Dr. Panagotacos may ask you about your medical history, including whether you’ve had blood clots in the past. Patients with blood clots aren’t good candidates for sclerotherapy. 

Treating and preventing varicose veins

Sclerotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that provides immediate results. Varicose veins start disappearing as soon as the solution is injected into them. 

Although varicose veins can come back, under the guidance of Dr. Panagotacos, you’ll learn preventive tactics to ensure your legs stay symptoms-free for longer. If you’re concerned about your varicose veins, contact us to schedule an appointment today.

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