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Tips for Maximizing Your Botox® Treatments

Tips for Maximizing Your Botox® Treatments

Not a fan of wrinkles? You don’t have to endure them forever. Nearly 5 million people treat their crow’s feet, eyebrow furrows, and forehead wrinkles with Botox® Cosmetic each year. 

To achieve these anti-aging effects, Botox gently relaxes specific muscles, reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles that form when you make expressions. The results last an average of three to four months, but some people may see results that last as short as two months or as long as six months.

At our office in Westlake Village, California, expert dermatologist Dr. Daphne Panagotacos, and our team of experienced providers can recommend the right touch-up schedule to ensure you maintain your aesthetic goals. Even if you’re on a maintenance schedule, these strategies can help you maximize your Botox treatments.

Tips to maximize your Botox treatments

Botox — a neurotoxin derived from botulinum toxin — doesn’t stay in your body forever. As your body metabolizes the injection, you may see crow’s feet or forehead wrinkles return. The following strategies help make the most out of your treatments.

Immediately after your Botox injections

For up to 24 hours following your Botox injections, refrain from touching your face, sleeping on your face, exfoliating your face, or putting pressure of any kind on your face. Even lying face-down for a massage can disturb the treatment area and make the injected drug dissipate away from the targeted area.

Avoid UV exposure

The sun’s ultraviolet rays don’t make Botox less effective, but they can affect your skin. UV exposure right after your treatment may increase the side effects of Botox, namely, redness and inflammation at the injection site. UV exposure also can break down elastin fibers in your skin, contribute to photoaging (age spots, wrinkles), and increase hyperpigmentation. 

When you’re outside for prolonged periods, wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

Take care of your skin

The effects of Botox — and dermal fillers, too, if you have them — are more noticeable on healthy skin. You can support healthy skin by:

Although taking care of your skin doesn’t stop dynamic wrinkles from forming, it can help prevent static wrinkles from forming.

Consider a zinc supplement 

Zinc has been touted as a Botox booster. Some studies have found that zinc levels are connected to Botox efficacy, leading researchers to conclude that taking a zinc supplement may prolong the anti-aging effects of Botox. In addition to taking a supplement, you can find zinc in beef liver, oysters, red meat, poultry, and baked beans.

Practice stress management techniques

While some degree of stress is normal, having high levels of unmanaged stress can affect your skin health, increase wrinkles, and contribute to common unwanted signs of aging. To extend the benefits of your Botox and fillers, add stress management practices into your daily routine, including exercise, yoga, meditation, reading, listening to calming music, and getting enough sleep.

Choose an experienced injector 

Appropriate dosing and accurate injections are keys to longer-lasting results, and the best way to achieve this is to choose an experienced injector here at Daphne Panagotacos, M.D., Inc.

A reminder about exercise 

Exercise can cause your body to metabolize Botox more quickly, but that’s not an excuse to cut your gym time short. Exercise is good for your skin overall! 

Even if you’re not an avid runner, we recommend Botox maintenance appointments to help your desired results last longer. Maintenance treatments extend the life of your Botox because you receive your next injections before the first ones fully wear off.

If you’d like to learn more about Botox to treat your dynamic wrinkles, call us to schedule a consultation today.

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